Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Pesut Mahakam

Pada jaman dahulu kala di rantau Mahakam, terdapat sebuah dusun yang didiami oleh beberapa keluarga. Mata pencaharian mereka kebanyakan adalah sebagai petani maupun nelayan. Setiap tahun setelah musim panen, penduduk dusun tersebut biasanya mengadakan pesta adat yang diisi dengan beraneka macam pertunjukan ketangkasan dan kesenian.
Ditengah masyarakat yang tinggal di dusun tersebut, terdapat suatu keluarga yang hidup rukun dan damai dalam sebuah pondok yang sederhana. Mereka terdiri dari sepasang suami-istri dan dua orang putra dan putri. Kebutuhan hidup mereka tidak terlalu sukar untuk dipenuhi karena mereka memiliki kebun yang ditanami berbagai jenis buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran. Begitu pula segala macam kesulitan dapat diatasi dengan cara yang bijaksana, sehingga mereka hidup  dengan bahagia selama bertahun-tahun.
Pada suatu ketika, sang ibu terserang oleh suatu penyakit. Walau telah diobati oleh beberapa orang tabib, namun sakit sang ibu tak kunjung sembuh pula hingga akhirnya ia meninggal dunia. Sepeninggal sang ibu, kehidupan keluarga ini mulai tak terurus lagi.  Mereka larut dalam kesedihan yang mendalam karena kehilangan orang yang sangat mereka cintai. Sang ayah menjadi pendiam dan pemurung, sementara kedua anaknya selalu diliputi rasa bingung, tak tahu apa yang mesti dilakukan. Keadaan rumah dan kebun mereka kini sudah tak terawat lagi. Beberapa sesepuh desa telah mencoba menasehati sang ayah agar tidak larut dalam kesedihan, namun nasehat-nasehat mereka tak dapat memberikan perubahan padanya. Keadaan ini berlangsung cukup lama.
Suatu hari di dusun tersebut kembali diadakan pesta adat panen. Berbagai pertunjukan dan hiburan kembali digelar. Dalam suatu pertunjukan ketangkasan, terdapatlah seorang gadis yang cantik dan mempesona sehingga selalu mendapat sambutan pemuda-pemuda dusun tersebut bila ia beraksi. Mendengar berita yang demikian itu, tergugah juga hati sang ayah untuk turut menyaksikan bagaimana kehebatan pertunjukan yang begitu dipuji-puji penduduk dusun hingga banyak pemuda yang tergila-gila dibuatnya.
Malam itu adalah malam ketujuh dari acara keramaian yang dilangsungkan. Perlahan-lahan sang ayah berjalan mendekati tempat pertunjukan dimana gadis itu akan bermain. Sengaja ia berdiri di depan agar dapat dengan jelas menyaksikan permainan serta wajah sang gadis. Akhirnya pertunjukan pun dimulai. Berbeda dengan penonton lainnya, sang ayah tidak banyak tertawa geli atau memuji-muji penampilan sang gadis. Walau demikian sekali-sekali ada juga sang ayah tersenyum kecil. Sang gadis melemparkan senyum manisnya kepada para penonton yang memujinya maupun yang menggodanya. Suatu saat, akhirnya bertemu jua pandangan antara si gadis dan sang ayah tadi. Kejadian ini berulang beberapa kali, dan tidak lah diperkirakan sama sekali kiranya bahwa terjalin rasa cinta antara sang gadis dengan sang ayah dari dua orang anak tersebut.
Demikianlah keadaannya, atas persetujuan kedua belah pihak dan restu dari para sesepuh maka dilangsungkanlah pernikahan antara mereka setelah pesta adat di dusun tersebut usai. Dan berakhir pula lah kemuraman keluarga tersebut, kini mulailah mereka menyusun hidup baru. Mereka mulai mengerjakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dahulunya tidak mereka usahakan lagi. Sang ayah kembali rajin berladang dengan dibantu kedua anaknya, sementara sang ibu tiri tinggal di rumah menyiapkan makanan bagi mereka sekeluarga. Begitulah seterusnya sampai berbulan-bulan lamanya hingga kehidupan mereka cerah kembali.
Dalam keadaan yang demikian, tidak lah diduga sama sekali ternyata sang ibu baru tersebut lama kelamaan memiliki sifat yang kurang baik terhadap kedua anak tirinya. Kedua anak itu baru diberi makan setelah ada sisa makanan dari ayahnya. Sang ayah hanya dapat memaklumi perbuatan istrinya itu, tak dapat berbuat apa-apa karena dia sangat mencintainya. Akhirnya, seluruh rumah tangga diatur dan berada ditangan sang istri muda yang serakah tersebut. Kedua orang anak tirinya disuruh bekerja keras setiap hari tanpa mengenal lelah dan bahkan disuruh mengerjakan hal-hal yang diluar kemampuan mereka.
Pada suatu ketika, sang ibu tiri telah membuat suatu rencana jahat. Ia menyuruh kedua anak tirinya untuk mencari kayu bakar di hutan.
"Kalian berdua hari ini harus mencari kayu bakar lagi!" perintah sang ibu, "Jumlahnya harus tiga kali lebih banyak dari yang kalian peroleh kemarin. Dan ingat! Jangan pulang sebelum kayunya banyak dikumpulkan. Mengerti?!"
"Tapi, Bu..." jawab anak lelakinya, "Untuk apa kayu sebanyak itu...? Kayu yang ada saja masih cukup banyak. Nanti kalau sudah hampir habis, barulah kami mencarinya lagi..."
"Apa?! Kalian sudah berani membantah ya?! Nanti kulaporkan ke ayahmu bahwa kalian pemalas! Ayo, berangkat sekarang juga!!" kata si ibu tiri dengan marahnya.
Anak tirinya yang perempuan kemudian menarik tangan kakaknya untuk segera pergi. Ia tahu bahwa ayahnya telah dipengaruhi sang ibu tiri, jadi sia-sia saja untuk membantah karena tetap akan dipersalahkan jua. Setelah membawa beberapa perlengkapan, berangkatlah mereka menuju hutan. Hingga senja menjelang, kayu yang dikumpulkan belum mencukupi seperti yang diminta ibu tiri mereka. Terpaksa lah mereka harus bermalam di hutan dalam sebuah bekas pondok seseorang agar dapat meneruskan pekerjaan mereka esok harinya. Hampir tengah malam barulah mereka dapat terlelap walau rasa lapar masih membelit perut mereka.
Esok paginya, mereka pun mulai mengumpulkan kayu sebanyak-banyaknya. Menjelang tengah hari, rasa lapar pun tak tertahankan lagi, akhirnya mereka tergeletak di tanah selama beberapa saat. Dan tanpa mereka ketahui, seorang kakek tua datang menghampiri mereka.
"Apa yang kalian lakukan disini, anak-anak?!" tanya kakek itu kepada mereka.
Kedua anak yang malang tersebut lalu menceritakan semuanya, termasuk tingkah ibu tiri mereka dan keadaan mereka yang belum makan nasi sejak kemarin hingga rasanya tak sanggup lagi untuk meneruskan pekerjaan.
"Kalau begitu..., pergilah kalian ke arah sana." kata si kakek sambil menunjuk ke arah rimbunan belukar, "Disitu banyak terdapat pohon buah-buahan. Makanlah sepuas-puasnya sampai kenyang. Tapi ingat, janganlah dicari lagi esok harinya karena akan sia-sia saja. Pergilah sekarang juga!"
Sambil mengucapkan terima kasih, kedua kakak beradik tersebut bergegas menuju ke tempat yang dimaksud. Ternyata benar apa yang diucapkan kakek tadi, disana banyak terdapat beraneka macam pohon buah-buahan. Buah durian, nangka, cempedak, wanyi, mangga dan pepaya yang telah masak tampak berserakan di tanah. Buah-buahan lain seperti pisang, rambutan dan kelapa gading nampak bergantungan di pohonnya. Mereka kemudian memakan buah-buahan tersebut hingga kenyang dan badan terasa segar kembali. Setelah beristirahat beberapa saat, mereka dapat kembali melanjutkan pekerjaan mengumpulkan kayu hingga sesuai dengan yang diminta sang ibu tiri.
Menjelang sore, sedikit demi sedikit kayu yang jumlahnya banyak itu berhasil diangsur semuanya ke rumah. Mereka kemudian menyusun kayu-kayu tersebut tanpa memperhatikan keadaan rumah. Setelah tuntas, barulah mereka naik ke rumah untuk melapor kepada sang ibu tiri, namun alangkah terkejutnya mereka ketika melihat isi rumah yang telah kosong melompong.
Ternyata ayah dan ibu tiri mereka telah pergi meninggalkan rumah itu. Seluruh harta benda didalam rumah tersebut telah habis dibawa serta, ini berarti mereka pergi dan tak akan kembali lagi ke rumah itu. Kedua kakak beradik yang malang itu kemudian menangis sejadi-jadinya. Mendengar tangisan keduanya, berdatanganlah tetangga sekitarnya untuk mengetahui apa gerangan yang terjadi. Mereka terkejut setelah mengetahui bahwa kedua ayah dan ibu tiri anak-anak tersebut telah pindah secara diam-diam.
Esok harinya, kedua anak tersebut bersikeras untuk mencari orangtuanya. Mereka memberitahukan rencana tersebut kepada tetangga terdekat. Beberapa tetangga yang iba kemudian menukar kayu bakar dengan bekal bahan makanan bagi perjalanan kedua anak itu. Menjelang tengah hari, berangkatlah keduanya mencari ayah dan ibu tiri mereka.
Telah dua hari mereka berjalan namun orangtua mereka belum juga dijumpai, sementara perbekalan makanan sudah habis. Pada hari yang ketiga, sampailah mereka di suatu daerah yang berbukit dan tampaklah oleh mereka asap api mengepul di kejauhan. Mereka segera menuju ke arah tempat itu sekedar bertanya kepada penghuninya barangkali mengetahui atau melihat kedua orangtua mereka.
Mereka akhirnya menjumpai sebuah pondok yang sudah reot. Tampak seorang kakek tua sedang duduk-duduk didepan pondok tersebut. Kedua kakak beradik itu lalu memberi hormat kepada sang kakek tua dan memberi salam.
"Dari mana kalian ini? Apa maksud kalian hingga datang ke tempat saya yang jauh terpencil ini?" tanya sang kakek sambil sesekali terbatuk-batuk kecil.
"Maaf, Tok." kata si anak lelaki, "Kami ini sedang mencari kedua urangtuha kami. Apakah Datok pernah melihat seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan yang masih muda lewat disini?"
Sang kakek terdiam sebentar sambil mengernyitkan keningnya, tampaknya ia sedang berusaha keras untuk mengingat-ingat sesuatu.
"Hmmm..., beberapa hari yang lalu memang ada sepasang suami-istri yang datang kesini." kata si kakek kemudian, "Mereka banyak sekali membawa barang. Apakah mereka itu yang kalian cari?"
"Tak salah lagi, Tok." kata anak lelaki itu dengan gembira, "Mereka pasti urangtuha kami! Ke arah mana mereka pergi, Tok?"
"Waktu itu mereka meminjam perahuku untuk menyeberangi sungai. Mereka bilang, mereka ingin menetap diseberang sana dan hendak membuat sebuah pondok dan perkebunan baru. Cobalah kalian cari di seberang sana."
"Terima kasih, Tok..." kata si anak sulung tersebut, "Tapi..., bisakah Datok mengantarkan kami ke seberang sungai?"
"Datok ni dah tuha... mana kuat lagi untuk mendayung perahu!" kata si kakek sambil terkekeh, "Kalau kalian ingin menyusul mereka, pakai sajalah perahuku yang ada ditepi sungai itu."
Kakak beradik itu pun memberanikan diri untuk membawa perahu si kakek. Mereka berjanji akan mengembalikan perahu tersebut jika telah berhasil menemukan kedua orangtua mereka. Setelah mengucapkan terima kasih, mereka lalu menaiki perahu dan mendayungnya menuju ke seberang. Keduanya lupa akan rasa lapar yang membelit perut mereka karena rasa gembira setelah mengetahui keberadaan orangtua mereka. Akhirnya mereka sampai di seberang dan menambatkan perahu tersebut dalam sebuah anak sungai. Setelah dua hari lamanya berjalan dengan perut kosong, barulah mereka menemui ujung sebuah dusun yang jarang sekali penduduknya.
Tampaklah oleh mereka sebuah pondok yang kelihatannya baru dibangun. Perlahan-lahan mereka mendekati pondok itu. Dengan perasaan cemas dan ragu si kakak menaiki tangga dan memanggil-manggil penghuninya, sementara si adik berjalan mengitari pondok hingga ia menemukan jemuran pakaian yang ada di belakang pondok. Ia pun teringat pada baju ayahnya yang pernah dijahitnya karena sobek terkait duri, setelah didekatinya maka yakinlah ia bahwa itu memang baju ayahnya. Segera ia berlari menghampiri kakaknya sambil menunjukkan baju sang ayah yang ditemukannya di belakang. Tanpa pikir panjang lagi mereka pun memasuki pondok dan ternyata pondok tersebut memang berisi barang-barang milik ayah mereka.
Rupanya orangtua mereka terburu-buru pergi, sehingga di dapur masih ada periuk yang diletakkan diatas api yang masih menyala. Didalam periuk tersebut ada nasi yang telah menjadi bubur. Karena lapar, si kakak akhirnya melahap nasi bubur yang masih panas tersebut sepuas-puasnya. Adiknya yang baru menyusul ke dapur menjadi terkejut melihat apa yang sedang dikerjakan kakaknya, segera ia menyambar periuk yang isinya tinggal sedikit itu. Karena takut tidak kebagian, ia langsung melahap nasi bubur tersebut sekaligus dengan periuknya.
Karena bubur yang dimakan tersebut masih panas maka suhu badan mereka pun menjadi naik tak terhingga. Dalam keadaan tak karuan demikian, keduanya berlari kesana kemari hendak mencari sungai. Setiap pohon pisang yang mereka temui di kiri-kanan jalan menuju sungai, secara bergantian mereka peluk sehingga pohon pisang tersebut menjadi layu. Begitu mereka tiba di tepi sungai, segeralah mereka terjun ke dalamnya. Hampir bersamaan dengan itu, penghuni pondok yang memang benar adalah orangtua kedua anak yang malang itu terheran-heran ketika melihat banyak pohon pisang di sekitar pondok mereka menjadi layu dan hangus.
Namun mereka sangat terkejut ketika masuk kedalam pondok dan mejumpai sebuah bungkusan dan dua buah mandau kepunyaan kedua anaknya. Sang istri terus memeriksa isi pondok hingga ke dapur, dan dia tak menemukan lagi periuk yang tadi ditinggalkannya. Ia kemudian melaporkan hal itu kepada suaminya. Mereka kemudian bergegas turun dari pondok dan mengikuti jalan menuju sungai yang di kiri-kanannya banyak terdapat pohon pisang yang telah layu dan hangus.
Sesampainya di tepi sungai, terlihatlah oleh mereka dua makhluk yang bergerak kesana kemari didalam air sambil menyemburkan air dari kepalanya. Pikiran sang suami teringat pada rentetan kejadian yang mungkin sekali ada hubungannya dengan keluarga. Ia terperanjat karena tiba-tiba istrinya sudah tidak ada disampingnya. Rupanya ia menghilang secara gaib. Kini sadarlah sang suami bahwa istrinya bukanlah keturunan manusia biasa. Semenjak perkawinan mereka, sang istri memang tidak pernah mau menceritakan asal usulnya.
Tak lama berselang, penduduk desa datang berbondong-bondong ke tepi sungai untuk menyaksikan keanehan yang baru saja terjadi. Dua ekor ikan yang kepalanya mirip dengan kepala manusia sedang bergerak kesana kemari ditengah sungai sambil sekali-sekali muncul di permukaan dan menyemburkan air dari kepalanya. Masyarakat yang berada di tempat itu memperkirakan bahwa air semburan kedua makhluk tersebut panas sehingga dapat menyebabkan ikan-ikan kecil mati jika terkena semburannya.
Oleh masyarakat Kutai, ikan yang menyembur-nyemburkan air itu dinamakan ikan Pasut atau Pesut. Sementara masyarakat di pedalaman Mahakam menamakannya ikan Bawoi.***

monster legenda afrika

Pada sore bulan Januari 1897, Erasmus Shue alias Edward, seorang pandai besi, menyuruh anak laki-laki tetangganya menemui Elva, istri yang telah ia nikahi selama tiga bulan.

Siapa tahu sang istri butuh sesuatu dari pasar. Tapi ketika anak laki-laki itu berjalan melalui pintu depan rumah pondok itu, ia menemukan tubuh Elva yang tak bernyawa di kaki tangga.

Anak itu terdiam sesaat, tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya. Tubuh wanita itu terentang lurus dengan kaki menyatu. Satu lengannya ada di sisi tubuh dan lengan satunya berada di dada. Kepalanya menghadap ke satu sisi.

Awalnya anak itu mengira Elva sedang tertidur di lantai. Ia melangkah mendekatinya, memanggil pelan, "Mrs. Shue?" Ketika wanita itu tidak merespon, anak itu panik dan berlari keluar rumah. Dia memberitahu ibunya apa yang ia temukan dan sang ibu memanggil dokter dan koroner, George W. Knapp.

Knapp tidak kunjung datang ke ruma Shue hingga hampir sejam. Ketika ia tiba, Shue sudah pulang, membawa jasad istrinya ke kamar tidur, membersihkan dan memakaikan pakaian, dan membaringkannya di tempat tidur.

Elva Zona Heaster Shue

Dia mempersiapkan jasad istrinya untuk pemakaman dibalut gaun berleher tinggi dengan kerah kaku dan menempatkan selendang untuk menutupi wajahnya.

Knapp hendak memeriksa jasad itu, Shue membuai kepala istrinya dan menangis. Ketika Knapp mencoba memeriksa leher dan kepala Elva, Shue memberontak. Knapp tidak ingin mengganggunya lebih lagi, sehingga ia pun meninggalkannya.

Ia tidak menemukan ada yang salah pada bagian-bagian tubuh yang ia periksa dan juga telah merawat Elva selama beberapa minggu sebelumnya, sehingga ia memutuskan mengubah penyebab kematiannya dari "pingsan berkepanjangan" menjadi "komplikasi masa kehamilan."

Jasad Elva dibawa ke rumah masa kecilnya di Little Sewell Mountain dan dimakamkan. Shue bertingkah aneh selama pemakaman. Ia berjalan di dekat peti mati, melakukan sesuatu pada kepala dan leher Elva.

Ia menutupi kepala istrinya dengan selendang tambahan yang sebenarnya tidak cocok dengan gaun pemakamanannya, tapi Shue berkeras bahwa itu adalah selendang favorit istrinya. Ia juga menyangga kepala mayat istrinya dengan bantal dan kain yang digulung.

Tingkahnya itu sangat aneh, tapi para tamu menganggap itu sebagai bagian dari proses pemakaman. Shue secara umum disukai orang sehingga tak ada yang mencurigainya.

Intuisi sang ibu

Kecuali Mary Jane Heaster, ibu Elva. Dia tidak pernah menyukai Shue, bahkan tanpa bukti apapun, dia yakin bahwa pria itulah yang membunuh putrinya.

Ia berharap Elva bisa memberitahunya apa yang terjadi. Ia kemudian berdoa agar entah bagaimana caranya Elva kembali dari kematian dan mengungkapkan kebenaran tentang kematiannya. Dia berdoa setiap malam selama berminggu-minggu, hingga akhirnya doanya terjawab.

Heaster mengatakan putrinya muncul dalam mimpinya selama empat malam berturut-turut dan bercerita. Awalnya, rohnya muncul sebagai cahaya yang terang, kemudian mengambil bentuk manusia dan membuat ruangan terasa dingin.

Hantu Elva mengaku pada ibunya bahwa Shue telah menyiksanya dengan kejam, dan suatu malam suaminya menyerangnya dalam kemarahan karena dia pikir Elva tidak memasak daging untuk makan malam.

Shue mematahkan lehernya, kata hantu itu sambil memutar kepalanya ke belakang. Kemudian hantu Elva berbalik dan berjalan pergi, menghilang kedalam gelap sambil memandang ibunya.

Heaster pergi ke jaksa penuntut lokal, John Preston untuk meminta kasus itu dibuka lagi. Tidak diketahui apakah Preston memercayai kisah hantu itu atau tidak, tapi Heaster berhasil membujuknya untuk mulai menanyai orang di seluruh kota.

Tetangga-tetangga Shue dan teman-temannya mengatakan tentang kebiasaan aneh lelaki itu saat di pemakaman, dan Dr. Knapp mengakui bahwa pemeriksaannya pada jasad Elva tidak lengkap.

Akhirnya Preston melakukan otopsi secara lengkap, dan beberapa hari kemudian, jasad Elva digali meskipun Shue menyampaikan keberatannya. Knapp dan dua dokter lainnya membaringkan jasad itu di sebuah gedung sekolah untuk dilakukan pengujian.

Koran lokal, The Pocahontas Times, kemudian melaporkan bahwa, "Pada tenggorokan terdapat bekas jari yang mengindikasikan bahwa dia dicekik ... bahwa lehernya bergeser antara tulang belakang pertama dan kedua. Tulang belikat robek dan putus. Batang tenggorokan remuk pada titik di depan leher."

Jelas bahwa kematian Elva tidak alami, tapi tidak ada bukti yang merujuk pada pembunuhnya, dan tidak ada saksi. Tingkah laku aneh Shue sejak kematian Elva melekat di pikiran Preston sehingga ia mulai mencurigai pria itu.

Di saat yang sama, ibu Elva menjelaskan dengan tepat bagaimana putrinya dibunuh sebelum otopsi dilakukan. Mungkin justru dialah pelakunya, dan cerita hantu itu hanya akal-akalan untuk menjebak Shue.

Bukan korban yang pertama

Preston melanjutkan investigasi dan mulai menyelidiki masa lalu Shue. Dia pun mengetahui bahwa Shue pernah menikah dua kali sebelumnya. Yang pertama berakhir dengan perceraian saat Shue dipenjara karena mencuri kuda. Istri pertamanya itu kemudian mengatakan pada polisi bahwa Shue sangatlah kasar dan suka memukulinya.

Pernikahan keduanya berakhir hanya delapan bulan dengan kematian misterius sang istri. Sebelumnya, di penjara, Shue membual bahwa ia akan menikah tuju kali selama hidupnya. Kematian istri keduanya dan sejarah kekerasan Shue memiliki hubungan yang tipis tapi cukup bagi Preston untuk menggiringnya ke pengadilan.

Mary Jane Heaster menjadi saksi jaksa, dan Preston berusaha untuk menghindari bagian tentang hantu putrinya itu, karena akan dianggap sebagai desas-desus belaka.

Untuk membuktikan bahwa dia tidak dapat dipercaya, pengacara Shue menanyakan Heaster secara ekstensif tentang kunjungan hantu putrinya. Taktik itu berhasil, Heaster menolak meragukan laporannya.

Banyak anggota masyarakat yang tampak percaya pada cerita Heaster, dan Shue tidak melakukan apapun untuk membela diri, hanya mengoceh dan meminta para juri "untuk melihat ke wajahnya dan katakan dia bersalah."

Greenbrier Independent melaporkan bahwa pernyataan dan sikapnya tidak membantu membuat para pengunjung sidang bersimpati padanya. Juri berunding hanya selama sejam sepuluh menit sebelum menjatuhkan putusan bersalah.

Shue dihukum penjara seumur hidup, tapi tewas segera setelah terjadi wabah campak dan peneumonia yang menyerang penjara itu dalam musim semi 1900. Ny. Heaster hidup hingga tahun 1916, dan tidak pernah menyangkal cerita tentang hantu Elva.

Penanda sejarah di Greenbrier County dibuat untuk memperingati kematian Elva dan kasus pengadilan yang tidak biasa itu. Menjadi satu-satunya kasus dimana hantu membantu memenjarakan seorang pembunuh.

hantu perempuan yang menungkap pembunuhan dirinya

Pada sore bulan Januari 1897, Erasmus Shue alias Edward, seorang pandai besi, menyuruh anak laki-laki tetangganya menemui Elva, istri yang telah ia nikahi selama tiga bulan.

Siapa tahu sang istri butuh sesuatu dari pasar. Tapi ketika anak laki-laki itu berjalan melalui pintu depan rumah pondok itu, ia menemukan tubuh Elva yang tak bernyawa di kaki tangga.

Anak itu terdiam sesaat, tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya. Tubuh wanita itu terentang lurus dengan kaki menyatu. Satu lengannya ada di sisi tubuh dan lengan satunya berada di dada. Kepalanya menghadap ke satu sisi.

Awalnya anak itu mengira Elva sedang tertidur di lantai. Ia melangkah mendekatinya, memanggil pelan, "Mrs. Shue?" Ketika wanita itu tidak merespon, anak itu panik dan berlari keluar rumah. Dia memberitahu ibunya apa yang ia temukan dan sang ibu memanggil dokter dan koroner, George W. Knapp.

Knapp tidak kunjung datang ke ruma Shue hingga hampir sejam. Ketika ia tiba, Shue sudah pulang, membawa jasad istrinya ke kamar tidur, membersihkan dan memakaikan pakaian, dan membaringkannya di tempat tidur.

Elva Zona Heaster Shue

Dia mempersiapkan jasad istrinya untuk pemakaman dibalut gaun berleher tinggi dengan kerah kaku dan menempatkan selendang untuk menutupi wajahnya.

Knapp hendak memeriksa jasad itu, Shue membuai kepala istrinya dan menangis. Ketika Knapp mencoba memeriksa leher dan kepala Elva, Shue memberontak. Knapp tidak ingin mengganggunya lebih lagi, sehingga ia pun meninggalkannya.

Ia tidak menemukan ada yang salah pada bagian-bagian tubuh yang ia periksa dan juga telah merawat Elva selama beberapa minggu sebelumnya, sehingga ia memutuskan mengubah penyebab kematiannya dari "pingsan berkepanjangan" menjadi "komplikasi masa kehamilan."

Jasad Elva dibawa ke rumah masa kecilnya di Little Sewell Mountain dan dimakamkan. Shue bertingkah aneh selama pemakaman. Ia berjalan di dekat peti mati, melakukan sesuatu pada kepala dan leher Elva.

Ia menutupi kepala istrinya dengan selendang tambahan yang sebenarnya tidak cocok dengan gaun pemakamanannya, tapi Shue berkeras bahwa itu adalah selendang favorit istrinya. Ia juga menyangga kepala mayat istrinya dengan bantal dan kain yang digulung.

Tingkahnya itu sangat aneh, tapi para tamu menganggap itu sebagai bagian dari proses pemakaman. Shue secara umum disukai orang sehingga tak ada yang mencurigainya.

Intuisi sang ibu

Kecuali Mary Jane Heaster, ibu Elva. Dia tidak pernah menyukai Shue, bahkan tanpa bukti apapun, dia yakin bahwa pria itulah yang membunuh putrinya.

Ia berharap Elva bisa memberitahunya apa yang terjadi. Ia kemudian berdoa agar entah bagaimana caranya Elva kembali dari kematian dan mengungkapkan kebenaran tentang kematiannya. Dia berdoa setiap malam selama berminggu-minggu, hingga akhirnya doanya terjawab.

Heaster mengatakan putrinya muncul dalam mimpinya selama empat malam berturut-turut dan bercerita. Awalnya, rohnya muncul sebagai cahaya yang terang, kemudian mengambil bentuk manusia dan membuat ruangan terasa dingin.

Hantu Elva mengaku pada ibunya bahwa Shue telah menyiksanya dengan kejam, dan suatu malam suaminya menyerangnya dalam kemarahan karena dia pikir Elva tidak memasak daging untuk makan malam.

Shue mematahkan lehernya, kata hantu itu sambil memutar kepalanya ke belakang. Kemudian hantu Elva berbalik dan berjalan pergi, menghilang kedalam gelap sambil memandang ibunya.

Heaster pergi ke jaksa penuntut lokal, John Preston untuk meminta kasus itu dibuka lagi. Tidak diketahui apakah Preston memercayai kisah hantu itu atau tidak, tapi Heaster berhasil membujuknya untuk mulai menanyai orang di seluruh kota.

Tetangga-tetangga Shue dan teman-temannya mengatakan tentang kebiasaan aneh lelaki itu saat di pemakaman, dan Dr. Knapp mengakui bahwa pemeriksaannya pada jasad Elva tidak lengkap.

Akhirnya Preston melakukan otopsi secara lengkap, dan beberapa hari kemudian, jasad Elva digali meskipun Shue menyampaikan keberatannya. Knapp dan dua dokter lainnya membaringkan jasad itu di sebuah gedung sekolah untuk dilakukan pengujian.

Koran lokal, The Pocahontas Times, kemudian melaporkan bahwa, "Pada tenggorokan terdapat bekas jari yang mengindikasikan bahwa dia dicekik ... bahwa lehernya bergeser antara tulang belakang pertama dan kedua. Tulang belikat robek dan putus. Batang tenggorokan remuk pada titik di depan leher."

Jelas bahwa kematian Elva tidak alami, tapi tidak ada bukti yang merujuk pada pembunuhnya, dan tidak ada saksi. Tingkah laku aneh Shue sejak kematian Elva melekat di pikiran Preston sehingga ia mulai mencurigai pria itu.

Di saat yang sama, ibu Elva menjelaskan dengan tepat bagaimana putrinya dibunuh sebelum otopsi dilakukan. Mungkin justru dialah pelakunya, dan cerita hantu itu hanya akal-akalan untuk menjebak Shue.

Bukan korban yang pertama

Preston melanjutkan investigasi dan mulai menyelidiki masa lalu Shue. Dia pun mengetahui bahwa Shue pernah menikah dua kali sebelumnya. Yang pertama berakhir dengan perceraian saat Shue dipenjara karena mencuri kuda. Istri pertamanya itu kemudian mengatakan pada polisi bahwa Shue sangatlah kasar dan suka memukulinya.

Pernikahan keduanya berakhir hanya delapan bulan dengan kematian misterius sang istri. Sebelumnya, di penjara, Shue membual bahwa ia akan menikah tuju kali selama hidupnya. Kematian istri keduanya dan sejarah kekerasan Shue memiliki hubungan yang tipis tapi cukup bagi Preston untuk menggiringnya ke pengadilan.

Mary Jane Heaster menjadi saksi jaksa, dan Preston berusaha untuk menghindari bagian tentang hantu putrinya itu, karena akan dianggap sebagai desas-desus belaka.

Untuk membuktikan bahwa dia tidak dapat dipercaya, pengacara Shue menanyakan Heaster secara ekstensif tentang kunjungan hantu putrinya. Taktik itu berhasil, Heaster menolak meragukan laporannya.

Banyak anggota masyarakat yang tampak percaya pada cerita Heaster, dan Shue tidak melakukan apapun untuk membela diri, hanya mengoceh dan meminta para juri "untuk melihat ke wajahnya dan katakan dia bersalah."

Greenbrier Independent melaporkan bahwa pernyataan dan sikapnya tidak membantu membuat para pengunjung sidang bersimpati padanya. Juri berunding hanya selama sejam sepuluh menit sebelum menjatuhkan putusan bersalah.

Shue dihukum penjara seumur hidup, tapi tewas segera setelah terjadi wabah campak dan peneumonia yang menyerang penjara itu dalam musim semi 1900. Ny. Heaster hidup hingga tahun 1916, dan tidak pernah menyangkal cerita tentang hantu Elva.

Penanda sejarah di Greenbrier County dibuat untuk memperingati kematian Elva dan kasus pengadilan yang tidak biasa itu. Menjadi satu-satunya kasus dimana hantu membantu memenjarakan seorang pembunuh.

Timun Emas

Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer.  They had married for some years but they had no children.  So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children.  Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster.  He granted their wish on one condition.  When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo.  He liked eating fresh meat of human being.  The farmers agreed to his condition.  Several months later the wife was pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  They named her Timun Emas.  The farmers were happy.  Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl.  She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house.  Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide.  The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child.  They asked him to postpone.  Buta Ijo agreed.  He promised to come again.  The following year Buta Ijo came again.  But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child. 

When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him.  They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt. 

‘Timun, take these things’

‘What are these things?’

‘These are your weapons.  Buta Ijo will chase you.  He will eat you alive.  So run as fast as you can.  And if he will catch you spread this to the ground.  Now go!’

Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could.  When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home.  He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left.  So he ran to chase her.  He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran. 

Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber.  In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber.  The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them.  When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles.   Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass.  It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest.  Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

Buta Ijo chased her again.  When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing.  This time it turned into a lake.  Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way.  But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt.  Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean.  Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly. 

Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.

Damar Wulan

Damar Wulan was born in the village of Paluh Amba, not far from the capital city of Majapahit. He was the son of Udara, the former prime minister of Majapahit. Since his father had retired his family live in a quiet and prosperous village outside the capital. Damar was a smart boy so he could easily learned the lessons his father taught him. He learned martial art, religion, politics, and literature. He was very good at all those subjects. When his father thought that he is mature enough, he asked Damar to find job in Majapahit. He told Damar to apply for a job at the Prime Minister's office. He hoped that his close relation with the new prime minister would help him get the prime minister's attention. Furthermore Damar was a smart boy so his father was sure Damar was capable to do any job.

Damar was very confident he would get a good position at the prime minister's office. Early morning he left his village. At midday he got to Majapahit and he directly went to the prime minister's house. Prime Minister Logender was his name. The guards sarcastically questioned him when he told them he would see the prime minister.
'Who do you think you are?'
'I am Damar Wulan. I am the son of the former prime minister Udara. My father told me to see the prime minister here'
'If you think you can impress us by telling us about your father, you are completely wrong poor boy. The son of a prime minister would never go anywhere on foot'
'But, that's true. My father told me to find job here'
'Listen poor boy, the prime minister is a very busy person. He does not have time for job seeker like you. But if you need a job, there is a vacant position here. Let me report my chief'
Then the soldier reported to his superior. After that someone called Damar to get into the commander's chamber. He told Damar that the prime minister's office needed several boys to take care of the horses. Damar was surprised because he expected clerical job but then he accepted the offer. Since that day he lived in a simple hut behind the prime minister's house.
Damar did a good job so his superior was satisfied with him. He was also very sociable. Soon he had a good relationship with the prime minister and his family. The prime minister had two sons - Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir and a daughter - Anjasmoro. His sons were very arrogant and lazy. They treated Damar cruelly. They wanted Damar to do whatever they want. Every body hated them but nobody dare to express their feeling. Anjasmoro, on the other hand, liked Damar very much. Gradually she fell in love to Damar. So did Damar. They had a secret love. When Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir knew what happened to Damar and Anjasmoro, they were very angry. They treated Damar more and more cruelly.
At the time the kingdom of Majapahit faced a very serious problem because of the rebellion of Menak Jinggo. He was a half brother of the Queen Kecono Wungu. He was a prince of Majapahit and a highly respected general of the Majapahit army. For his great achievement for his country his father appointed him as the ruler for the kingdom of Blambangan, a vassal state under Majapahit. When his father passed away he was sure that he would become the successor. But he was very disappointed when his father appointed his sister instead. He thought that he was more capable than Kencono Wungu so he rebelled.
Menak Jinggo proved to be a good general. Under his leadership the Blambangan army could win several battles with Majapahit army. The territory of Majapahit one by one fell to Blambangan. At the time the morale of the Majapahit army was already down. They were not sure that they could win the war. So the queen and the prime minister met everyday to discuss the worsening situation. Some weeks went by but still they did not have any ideas to solve the problem. Every report they received about the war was only about the defeat of the Majapahit army.
Prime Minister Logender was shocked when his wife reported to him about the affair of Anjasmoro and Damar Wulan. For a highly respected person like him, it was a very serious blow to his ego. He was a very respectable person while his daughter dated with a poor boy. It was a serious humiliation. He could not accept it. This fact made him very angry. He thought very hard to find a solution. Suddenly an idea struck his sharp mind when he was meditating at midnight.
Early in the morning he went to the palace and asked the queen for an audience. Then he explained his plan.
'Your Majesty, last night I had an idea'
'Tell me about it'
'Our army could not win because we apply a wrong strategy. The Blambangan army is very good at a frontal open warfare like that. Furthermore our army's morale is now down. So we have to avoid open warfare. Since now on we have to launch a new tactics of secret operation. We must send a small army unit to kill Menak Jinggo secretly'
'Who will do that?'
'I have a body guard. His skill in martial art is excellent. He is very capable at individual fight. So he is ready for this duty. I am sure he is the right person'
'OK, I think you are right. Send him as soon as possible to Blambangan. If he can do his job well I will give him great reward'
When Logender got home he called Damar Wulan immediately. He asked him about his martial art skill. Damar said he had mastered some fighting skill. His father had trained him Pencak Silat, the Indonesian martial art. As a result, he was very skillful at using sword, lance, as well as empty hand fighting technique. Then Logender asked him to fight both Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir. Both of them fought emotionally since they hated Damar very much. But Damar was smart, skillful, strong and tough. In just several minutes he could beat both of them without difficulty. Logender was angry but also satisfied since he found a way to get rid of both problems - his home and his country.
'Damar, you are a great fighter. I am very proud of you. And that's why you will receive a great honor to fight for your country. Now there is a rebellion in Majapahit. The king of Blambangan has done a crime. His name is Menak Jinggo. Find him in his palace and Blambangan and kill him. Are you ready?'
'I am ready any time Sir'
'Good. Today you have to prepare everything and tomorrow you must leave for Blambangan secretly. Do not tell any one about this duty. Not even Anjasmoro. Don't be afraid because the Majapahit army will fully support you. They will back you and provide all your needs. When you can kill Menak Jinggo behead him and bring his head here. If you can do this job well you will be promoted to a high position as the commander of Majapahit army'
'Yes, Sir. I am very glad to receive this order. I will do my best'
The next day, very early in the morning Damar Wulan left Majapahit alone. Meanwhile Prime Minister Logender had implemented his own plan. He prepared a small army unit under the leadership of his two sons. They went behind Damar in a distant so that Damar did not notice them. They went secretly so no one knew it. Their task was not to protect Damar but to kill him and seize the head of Menak Jinggo if he could kill Menak Jinggo. But if Damar was killed then they had nothing to do.
Several days later Damar Wulan arrived in Blambangan. The Majapahit army kept on spying on him. They were surprised to see Damar did not directly attack the palace. He applied for a job instead. Once again he was accepted to work in the palace to take care of the horses. Everybody including the king Menak Jinggo liked him because he was very polite and he did his job well. He was also very handsome that two of the king's wife fell in love with him. Waito and Puyengan were the wives of King Menak Jinggo.
As everybody trusted him, it was easy for Damar to search the palace. He knew where Menak Jinggo lived. One night he secretly jumped the palace wall to kill the king. Finally he was inside the king's bedroom. But unfortunately the king was ready to welcome him. A small army unit was there to arrest him. He was no match for Menak Jinggo. But Menak Jinggo was a smart person. He did not kill Damar instantly. He wanted to gather information from him. So he ordered his guards.
'Don't kill him. Let him alive, treat him well. I will question him tomorrow'.
'Yes, Your Majesty'
He ordered his men to treat him well. He even let Waito and Puyengan to see Damar. By doing so he hoped that Damar would give him valuable information. But Damar was also a smart person. He dated Waito and Puyengan and he asked them the way to kill Menak Jinggo. Since the two women loved Damar they revealed a secret.
'Nobody can hurt him. He is a tough guy and he is protected by god. God gave him a secret weapon called Wesi Kuning'
'What is that?'
'That's a golden amulet. It is just a small amulet, as small as a thumb but it is very powerful. Its shape is like a stick. It is stored in his bedroom'
'He is a dangerous man. We have to stop him. Could you help me find his amulet?
'I will help you if you marry me'
'Sure I will marry both of you as soon as I can arrest him'
When their turn to amuse the king arrived Waito and Puyengan could get into the kings chamber. They used that opportunity to steal the amulet. Then they gave it to Damar Wulan. Menak Jinggo did not realize their conspiracy. When the night was very quiet they opened the door for Damar Wulan. There was a fight but it was too late for Menak Jinggo. The sudden attack did not give him much chance to survive. Consequently Damar could beat his enemy and Menak Jinggo was beheaded.
Damar Wulan immediately left Blambangan palace that night while promising Waito and Puyengan to be back after he received the rewa.


Inside the northern chamber Shiva temple in Prambanan temple in Central Java, Indonesia, there is a stone statue of a beautiful woman.  She stands on a bull.  She wears a crown and jewelry.  Her body is slim.  Who is she?  There is no doubt that she is Durga Mahisasuramardini, a Hindu goddess.  But the Javanese people have their own story about her. Here is the story.

A long long time ago in central Java lived a wise king.  His name was Prabu Boko.  He had a beautiful daughter whose name was Roro Jonggrang.  They lived in a palace on top of a hill.  At present we can visit the ruins of the palace that is located about two miles south of Prambanan temple.  The palace is called kraton Boko. His country was so prosperous that another king was jealous. 

There was a neighboring kingdom under king Bandung Bondowoso.  One day king Bandung attacked Prabu Boko.  In a fierce fight King Boko was killed and his kingdom was conquered.  The young Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Roro Jonggrang when he saw her beauty.  He wanted to marry her so he proposed her.  But Roro Jonggrang definitely did not want to marry someone who had murdered her father.  So she gave a difficult condition.

She told Bandung that she would marry him if he could build one thousand temples in one night.  Bandung was surprised but he was optimistic he could meet the condition.  He was a powerful king and he had many friends among the genie and spirits.  So he asked them for help.  With the help of those invisible beings Bandung built the temples.

Meanwhile Roro Jonggrang and her people kept an eye on Bandung.  When it was almost dawn Bandung and the genie had built nine hundred ninety nine temples.  Roro Jonggrang was very worried.   If Bandung could meet her condition, she had to marry him.  Then she had a bright idea.  She ordered her people to make noise and lights.  Women were ordered to cook and make noise by hitting kitchen utensils.  Men were also ordered to make noise around the temples.  Then the genie thought that daylight had come.  They were afraid of the sunlight so they left immediately.  Without their help Bandung was unable to finish the temple.

Bandung was very angry.  He knew that it was a dirty trick from Roro Jonggrang.  Then he cursed Roro Jonggrang into a statue.  The statue of Roro Jonggrang is now inside the northern chamber of the main temple which was dedicated to Shiva in Prambanan temple.

Gajah Mada dan Pencuri Misterius

The kingdom of Majapahit was at its peak in the 13th century.  The wise king who ruled was King Hayam Wuruk.  He was young, intelligent, and brave.  He had a smart prime minister, his name was Gajah Mada.  Besides that, he had smart and young aides and ministers.  Under Hayam Wuruk Majapahit ruled over most of the present day Indonesia.  Majapahit was very prosperous. 

The palace of Majapahit was very big.  It was very luxurious.  Inside of the palace there is a special building called ‘Gedong Pusaka’.  It was a house or more precisely a luxurious warehouse to store all the treasure of the kingdom.  There were jewelries, gold crown, earrings, gold coins, gold Kris and many other luxurious things.  That’s why the building was heavily guarded.  There was a high wall surrounding it.  Inside and outside the wall soldiers were on duty twenty four hours a day.  All of them were fully armed.  It was almost impossible for anyone at that time to get into the Gedong Pusaka.

One night the situation in the palace was very different.  There was a thick, very thick fog surrounding the whole palace, even the capital.  The temperature which usually warm was cool.  This situation was very rare in Majapahit.  The Javanese people (the people of Majapahit) interpreted this strange phenomenon as a signal from god.  They were sure that a great event would take place.

King Hayam Wuruk immediately called Gajah Mada.  After a shirt discussion they decided to call the army generals.  The king told the generals to put the army in the highest alert.  Soon they ordered all of their boys in highest alert.  The number of soldier who guarded the palace was doubled.  The king and the prime minister stay awoke until midnight.  Every hour they received report that everything was OK.  The night was very quiet.  So at midnight the king and Gajah Mada were asleep.

But when it was almost dawn something happened.  A group of soldier who guarded the front gate of Gedong Pusaka reported to the army general that the door of Gedong Pusaka was opened.  When they checked inside they found that the collection of gold coins was missing.  The army chief immediately reported the event to Prime Minister Gajah Mada.   

Gajah Mada immediately ordered that the commander of the guard was arrested.  Without waiting for the sun to arise he questioned the commander.  Gajah Mada thought that the commander was the one responsible for the lost of the cold coins.  But the commander refused.  He was sure that someone else did the wrong doing.  When the king woke up Gajah Mada reported to him.  But the king was silent.

The following night the situation was very different.  The sky was clear and the temperature was warm.  Although tension had diminished Gajah Mada ordered the army to stay in highest alert.  That time the king was ignorant.  The night was very serene.  Suddenly at midnight the soldiers who guarded at the front gate of Gedong Pusaka was shocked when they saw someone ran very fast from it.  Soon they chased him. But he ran very fast and soon the soldiers lost him.  However they could see that he ran toward the king’s compound. 

Their commander soon reported to Gajah Mada who immediately came.  He ordered the soldiers to siege the king’s compound.  He also ordered more soldiers to surround it.  Amazingly the king’s compound was covered with cloud.  Nobody saw where it came from but suddenly thick cloud surrounded it.  The fog was so thick that nobody could see the king’s compound.  The cloud even grew larger that finally the whole palace was covered by cloud.

The next morning the people of Majapahit was shocked to see the strange phenomenon.  The sky was clear and the sun was shining bright but the palace was covered by cloud.  No one could see it.  The king never came out of the palace.

Soon rumors spread that the thief was hiding inside the king’s compound in the palace.  The army kept surrounding it.  They cried to tell the thief to surrender.  Suddenly someone threw stones to the soldiers.  Some of them were hurt.  Then Gajah Mada got in to see the king.  When he came from inside the palace he told soldiers that the king was all right and that the   thief was not there.  After that rumor spread that the thief was ghost, not human being.  Months later the mystery thief had not arrested and the palace was still cloudy.  Years later the thief remained a mystery and he palace remained cloudy.  Majapahit suffered from a great loss.  It was a serious blow to the economy.  Several years later the kingdom of Majapahit collapsed.

Today territory of Majapahit becomes Indonesia.   People miss the glory of Majapahit.  They are dreaming that the glorious Majapahit will return someday.

Hansel dan Gretel

Once upon a time a very poor woodcutter lived in a tiny cottage in the forest with his two children, Hansel and Gretel. His second wife often ill-treated the children and was forever nagging the woodcutter.

"There is not enough food in the house for us all. There are too many mouths to feed! We must get rid of the two brats," she declared. And she kept on trying to persuade her husband to abandon his children in the forest.

"Take them miles from home, so far that they can never find their way back! Maybe someone will find them and give them a home." The downcast woodcutter didn't know what to do. Hansel who, one evening, had overheard his parents' conversation, comforted Gretel.

"Don't worry! If they do leave us in the forest, we'll find the way home," he said. And slipping out of the house he filled his pockets with little white pebbles, then went back to bed.

All night long, the woodcutter's wife harped on and on at her husband till, at dawn, he led Hansel and Gretel away into the forest. But as they went into the depths of the trees, Hansel dropped a little white pebble here and there on the mossy green ground. At a certain point, the two children found they really were alone: the woodcutter had plucked up enough courage to desert them, had mumbled an excuse and was gone.

Night fell but the woodcutter did not return. Gretel began to sob bitterly. Hansel too felt scared but he tried to hide his feelings and comfort his sister.

"Don't cry, trust me! I swear I'll take you home even if Father doesn't come back for us!" Luckily the moon was full that night and Hansel waited till its cold light filtered through the trees.

"Now give me your hand!" he said. "We'll get home safely, you'll see!" The tiny white pebbles gleamed in the moonlight, and the children found their way home. They crept through a half open window, without wakening their parents. Cold, tired but thankful to be home again, they slipped into bed.

Next day, when their stepmother discovered that Hansel and Gretel had returned, she went into a rage. Stifling her anger in front of the children, she locked her bedroom door, reproaching her husband for failing to carry out her orders. The weak woodcutter protested, torn as he was between shame and fear of disobeying his cruel wife. The wicked stepmother kept Hansel and Gretel under lock and key all day with nothing for supper but a sip of water and some hard bread. All night, husband and wife quarreled, and when dawn came, the woodcutter led the children out into the forest.

Hansel, however, had not eaten his bread, and as he walked through the trees, he left a trail of crumbs behind him to mark the way. But the little boy had forgotten about the hungry birds that lived in the forest. When they saw him, they flew along behind and in no time at all, had eaten all the crumbs. Again, with a lame excuse, the woodcutter left his two children by  themselves.

"I've left a trail, like last time!" Hansel whispered to Gretel, consolingly. But when night fell, they saw to their horror, that all the crumbs had gone.

"I'm frightened!" wept Gretel bitterly. "I'm cold and hungry and I want to go home!"

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to look after you!" Hansel tried to encourage his sister, but he too shivered when he glimpsed frightening shadows and evil eyes around them in the darkness. All night the two children huddled together for warmth at the foot of a large tree.

When dawn broke, they started to wander about the forest, seeking a path, but all hope soon faded. They were well and truly lost. On they walked and walked, till suddenly they came upon a strange cottage in the middle of a glade.

"This is chocolate!" gasped Hansel as he broke a lump of plaster from the wall.

"And this is icing!" exclaimed Gretel, putting another piece of wall in her mouth. Starving but delighted, the children began to eat pieces of candy broken off the cottage.

"Isn't this delicious?" said Gretel, with her mouth full. She had never tasted anything so nice.

"We'll stay here," Hansel declared, munching a bit of nougat. They were just about to try a piece of the biscuit door when it quietly swung open.

"Well, well!" said an old woman, peering out with a crafty look. "And haven't you children a sweet tooth?"

"Come in! Come in, you've nothing to fear!" went on the old woman. Unluckily for Hansel and Gretel, however, the sugar candy cottage belonged to an old witch, her trap for catching unwary victims. The two children had come to a really nasty place.

"You're nothing but skin and bones!" said the witch, locking Hansel into a cage. I shall fatten you up and eat you!"

"You can do the housework," she told Gretel grimly, "then I'll make a meal of you too!" As luck would have it, the witch had very bad eyesight, an when Gretel smeared butter on her glasses, she could see even less.

"Let me feel your finger!" said the witch to Hansel every day to check if he was getting any fatter. Now, Gretel had brought her brother a chicken bone, and when the witch went to touch his finger, Hansel held out the bone.

"You're still much too thin!" she complained. When will you become plump?" One day the witch grew tired of waiting.

"Light the oven," she told Gretel. "We're going to have a tasty roasted boy today!" A little later, hungry and impatient, she went on: "Run and see if the oven is hot enough." Gretel returned, whimpering: "I can't tell if it is hot enough or not." Angrily, the witch screamed at the little girl: "Useless child! All right, I'll see for myself." But when the witch bent down to peer inside the oven and check the heat, Gretel gave her a tremendous push and slammed the oven door shut. The witch had come to a fit and proper end. Gretel ran to set her brother free and they made quite sure that the oven door was tightly shut behind the witch. Indeed, just to be on the safe side, they fastened it firmly with a large padlock. Then they stayed for several days to eat some more of the house, till they discovered amongst the witch's belongings, a huge chocolate egg. Inside lay a casket of gold coins.

"The witch is now burnt to a cinder," said Hansel, "so we'll take this treasure with us." They filled a large basket with food and set off into the forest to search for the way home. This time, luck was with them, and on the second day, they saw their father come out of the house towards them, weeping.

"Your stepmother is dead. Come home with me now, my dear children!" The two children hugged the woodcutter.

"Promise you'll never ever desert us again," said Gretel, throwing her arms round her father's neck. Hansel opened the casket.

"Look, Father! We're rich now . . . You'll never have to chop wood again."

And they all lived happily together ever after.

The Fable of Birds and Tortoise

Once upon a time, there was a big feast in the sky, all the birds were invited to a feast by the people of the sky. Tortoise was very clever and very hungry and as soon as it heard about the great feast, it began to plan how it would travel to the sky.

Tortoise went to the birds home and asked if it could go with them. The birds agreed and they each give it a feather, with which it made a pair of wings for the Tortoise.

The great day came, and Tortoise and the birds set off on their journey to the sky.

Finally, the birds and Tortoise arrived at the party. The people of the sky invited the birds to eat the delicious food they had prepared, but then Tortoise asked, “For whom have you prepared this feast?”

“for you, because you are special animals,” replied the people on the sky.

Tortoise turned in the birds and said, “Remember i am is the most special animal, cause i am the only on Tortoise who can fly. You will eat after me.”

The birds waited angrily as Tortoise ate and drank most of the feast. Then they came forward to eat, but a few of them were too angry to eat. Before flying home, each bird took back the feather it had lent Tortoise unnoticely. So, there Tortoise stood full of food and drink, but without any wings to fly home.

When the feast is over, birds and Tortoise jumped back go home, but the tortoise was surprised because he lost his wings. So, the Tortoise fell and fell and fell and landed with a great crash on the ground. It wasn’t hurt but its shell broke into pieces. fortunately, there was a good doctor in the neighbourhood. Tortoise’s wife sent for him and he collected all the bits of Tortoise’s shell and stuck them together. That is why, Tortoise’s shell is not smooth.

The two ducks and the fox

One day, two ducks walked along the road to go to the lake for their swim. In the middle of the road, they met Mr. Fox. He sat under the tree.
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“Hello, sister. Where are you going?” asked Mr. Fox.
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“Good Morning, Mr. Fox. We are going to lake over there. We want to swim. Would you like to join us?” asked the ducks.
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“No, thanks. Do you both come along here every day?” asked Mr. Fox.
“Yes, we always walk here every morning,” said the ducks.
“Delicio….. I..I.. mean nice to see you both,” said Mr. Fox.
The next day, the first duck said, “Are we going to swim today? I bet that Mr. Fox is waiting for us and he has a bad plan.”
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“I know. I have a plan for him, too,” said the second duck.
On their way they met Mr. Fox again.
“Hello, sisters. Going to swim again?” asked Mr. Fox.
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“Yes, we are. Why don’t you take us to the lake and protect us from bad animals?” said the second duck.
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“Of course. It’s my pleasure,” replied Mr. Fox.
“This is an easy way to have a free lunch. I have a big bag with  me now,” though Mr. fox.
Three of them walked to the lake and sang some songs.
“When I say run, let’s run fast together,” said the second duck, “Run!!!”
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They ran so fast and jumped into the lake. Mr. fox jumped upon them, but he forgot that he could not swim. So, Mr. fox drowned in the lake. He failed to get his free lunch.
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English fairy tales (Cinderella)

Once there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, two daughters of her own humor, who were, indeed, exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world.

No sooner were the ceremonies of the wedding over but the mother-in-law began to show herself in her true colors. She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl, and the less because they made her own daughters appear the more odious. She employed her in the meanest work of the house: she scoured the dishes, tables, etc., and scrubbed madam’s chamber, and those of misses, her daughters; she lay up in a sorry garret, upon a wretched straw bed, while her sisters lay in fine rooms, with floors all inlaid, upon beds of the very newest fashion, and where they had looking-glasses so large that they might see themselves at their full length from head to foot.
The poor girl bore all patiently, and dared not tell her father, who would have rattled her off; for his wife governed him entirely. When she had done her work, she used to go into the chimney-corner, and sit down among cinders and ashes, which made her commonly be called Cinderwench; but the youngest, who was not so rude and uncivil as the eldest, called her Cinderella. However, Cinderella, notwithstanding her mean apparel, was a hundred times handsomer than her sisters, though they were always dressed very richly.
It happened that the King’s son gave a ball, and invited all persons of fashion to it. Our young misses were also invited, for they cut a very grand figure among the quality. They were mightily delighted at this invitation, and wonderfully busy in choosing out such gowns, petticoats, and head-clothes as might become them. This was a new trouble to Cinderella; for it was she who ironed her sisters’ linen, and plaited their ruffles; they talked all day long of nothing but how they should be dressed.
“For my part,” said the eldest, “I will wear my red velvet suit with French trimming.”
“And I,” said the youngest, “shall have my usual petticoat; but then, to make amends for that, I will put on my gold- flowered manteau, and my diamond stomacher, which is far from being the most ordinary one in the world.” They sent for the best tire-woman they could get to make up their head-dresses and adjust their double pinners, and they had their red brushes and patches from Mademoiselle de la Poche.
Cinderella was likewise called up to them to be consulted in all these matters, for she had excellent notions, and advised them always for the best, nay, and offered her services to dress their heads, which they were very willing she should do. As she was doing this, they said to her:
“Cinderella, would you not be glad to go to the ball?”
“Alas!” said she, “you only jeer me; it is not for such as I am to go thither.”
“Thou art in the right of it,” replied they; “it would make the people laugh to see a Cinderwench at a ball.”
Anyone but Cinderella would have dressed their heads awry, but she was very good, and dressed them perfectly well They were almost two days without eating, so much were they transported with joy. They broke above a dozen laces in trying to be laced up close, that they might have a fine slender shape, and they were continually at their looking-glass. At last the happy day came; they went to Court, and Cinderella followed them with her eyes as long as she could, and when she had lost sight of them, she fell a-crying.
Her godmother, who saw her all in tears, asked her what was the matter.
“I wish I could–I wish I could–”; she was not able to speak the rest, being interrupted by her tears and sobbing. This godmother of hers, who was a fairy, said to her, “Thou wishest thou couldst go to the ball; is it not so?”
“Y–es,” cried Cinderella, with a great sigh.
“Well,” said her godmother, “be but a good girl, and I will contrive that thou shalt go.” Then she took her into her chamber, and said to her, “Run into the garden, and bring me a pumpkin.”
Cinderella went immediately to gather the finest she could get, and brought it to her godmother, not being able to imagine how this pumpkin could make her go to the ball. Her godmother scooped out all the inside of it, having left nothing but the rind; which done, she struck it with her wand, and the pumpkin was instantly turned into a fine coach, gilded all over with gold.
She then went to look into her mouse-trap, where she found six mice, all alive, and ordered Cinderella to lift up a little the trapdoor, when, giving each mouse, as it went out, a little tap with her wand, the mouse was that moment turned into a fine horse, which altogether made a very fine set of six horses of a beautiful mouse-colored dapple- gray. Being at a loss for a coachman,
“I will go and see,” says Cinderella, “if there is never a rat in the rat-trap–we may make a coachman of him.”
“Thou art in the right,” replied her godmother; “go and look.”
Cinderella brought the trap to her, and in it there were three huge rats. The fairy made choice of one of the three which had the largest beard, and, having touched him with her wand, he was turned into a fat, jolly coach- man, who had the smartest whiskers eyes ever beheld. After that, she said to her:
“Go again into the garden, and you will find six lizards behind the watering-pot, bring them to me.”
She had no sooner done so but her godmother turned them into six footmen, who skipped up immediately behind the coach, with their liveries all bedaubed with gold and silver, and clung as close behind each other as if they had done nothing else their whole lives. The Fairy then said to Cinderella: “Well, you see here an equipage fit to go to
the ball with; are you not pleased with it?”
“Oh! yes,” cried she; “but must I go thither as I am, in these nasty rags?”
Her godmother only just touched her with her wand, and, at the same instant, her clothes were turned into cloth of gold and silver, all beset with jewels. This done, she gave her a pair of glass slippers, the prettiest in the whole world. Being thus decked out, she got up into her coach; but her godmother, above all things, commanded her not to stay till after midnight, telling her, at the same time, that if she stayed one moment longer, the coach would be a pumpkin again, her horses mice, her coachman a rat, her footmen lizards, and her clothes become just as they were before.
She promised her godmother she would not fail of leaving the ball before midnight; and then away she drives, scarce able to contain herself for joy. The King’s son who was told that a great princess, whom nobody knew, was come, ran out to receive her; he gave her his hand as she alighted out of the coach, and led her into the ball, among all the company. There was immediately a profound silence, they left off dancing, and the violins ceased to play, so attentive was everyone to contemplate the singular beauties of the unknown new-comer. Nothing was then heard but a confused noise of:
“Ha! how handsome she is! Ha! how handsome she is!”
The King himself, old as he was, could not help watching her, and telling the Queen softly that it was a long time since he had seen so beautiful and lovely a creature.
All the ladies were busied in considering her clothes and headdress, that they might have some made next day after the same pattern, provided they could meet with such fine material and as able hands to make them. The King’s son conducted her to the most honorable seat, and afterward took her out to dance with him; she danced so very gracefully that they all more and more admired her. A fine collation was served up, whereof the young prince ate not a morsel, so intently was he busied in gazing on her.
She went and sat down by her sisters, showing them a thousand civilities, giving them part of the oranges and citrons which the Prince had presented her with, which very much surprised them, for they did not know her. While Cinderella was thus amusing her sisters, she heard the clock strike eleven and three-quarters, whereupon she immediately made a courtesy to the company and hasted away as fast as she could.
When she got home she ran to seek out her godmother, and, after having thanked her, she said she could not but heartily wish she might go next day to the ball, because the King’s son had desired her.
As she was eagerly telling her godmother whatever had passed at the ball, her two sisters knocked at the door, which Cinderella ran and opened.
“How long you have stayed!” cried she, gaping, rubbing her eyes and stretching herself as if she had been just waked out of her sleep; she had not, however, any manner of inclination to sleep since they went from home.
“If thou hadst been at the ball,” said one of her sisters, “thou wouldst not have been tired with it. There came thither the finest princess, the most beautiful ever was seen with mortal eyes; she showed us a thousand civilities, and gave us oranges and citrons.”
Cinderella seemed very indifferent in the matter; indeed, she asked them the name of that princess; but they told her they did not know it, and that the King’s son was very uneasy on her account and would give all the world to know who she was. At this Cinderella, smiling, replied:
“She must, then, be very beautiful indeed; how happy you have been! Could not I see her? Ah! dear Miss Charlotte, do lend me your yellow suit of clothes which you wear every day.”
“Ay, to be sure!” cried Miss Charlotte; “lend my clothes to such a dirty Cinderwench as thou art! I should be a fool.” Cinderella, indeed, expected well such answer, and was very glad of the refusal; for she would have been sadly put to it if her sister had lent her what she asked for jestingly.
The next day the two sisters were at the ball, and so was Cinderella, but dressed more magnificently than before. The King’s son was always by her, and never ceased his compliments and kind speeches to her; to whom all this was so far from being tiresome that she quite forgot what her godmother had recommended to her; so that she, at last, counted the clock striking twelve when she took it to be no more than eleven; she then rose up and fled, as nimble as a deer. The Prince followed, but could not overtake her. She left behind one of her glass slippers, which the Prince took up most carefully. She got home but quite out of breath, and in her nasty old clothes, having nothing left her of all her finery but one of the little slippers, fellow to that she dropped. The guards at the palace gate were asked:
If they had not seen a princess go out.
Who said: They had seen nobody go out but a young girl, very meanly dressed, and who had more the air of a poor country wench than a gentlewoman.
When the two sisters returned from the ball Cinderella asked them: If they had been well diverted, and if the fine lady had been there.
They told her: Yes, but that she hurried away immediately when it struck twelve, and with so much haste that she dropped one of her little glass slippers, the prettiest in the world, which the King’s son had taken up; that he had done nothing but look at her all the time at the ball, and that most certainly he was very much in love with the beautiful person who owned the glass slipper.
What they said was very true; for a few days after the King’s son caused it to be proclaimed, by sound of trumpet, that he would marry her whose foot the slipper would just fit. They whom he employed began to try it upon the princesses, then the duchesses and all the Court, but in vain; it was brought to the two sisters, who did all they possibly could to thrust their foot into the slipper, but they could not effect it. Cinderella, who saw all this, and knew her slipper, said to them, laughing:
“Let me see if it will not fit me.”
Her sisters burst out a-laughing, and began to banter her. The gentleman who was sent to try the slipper looked earnestly at Cinderella, and, finding her very handsome, said:
It was but just that she should try, and that he had orders to let everyone make trial.
He obliged Cinderella to sit down, and, putting the slipper to her foot, he found it went on very easily, and fitted her as if it had been made of wax. The astonishment her two sisters were in was excessively great, but still abundantly greater when Cinderella pulled out of her pocket the other slipper, and put it on her foot. Thereupon, in came her godmother, who, having touched with her wand Cinderella’s clothes, made them richer and more magnificent than any of those she had before.
And now her two sisters found her to be that fine, beautiful lady whom they had seen at the ball. They thre themselves at her feet to beg pardon for all the ill- treatment they had made her undergo. Cinderella took them up, and, as she embraced them, cried:
That she forgave them with all her heart, and desired them always to love her.
She was conducted to the young prince, dressed as she was; he thought her more charming than ever, and, a few days after, married her. Cinderella, who was no less good than beautiful, gave her two sisters lodgings in the palace.


On one day, the deer seems sleepy. His eyes seemed heavy to open. "Aaa .... rrrrgh", the occasional deer seem to evaporate. Because the day was quite sunny, the deer feel loss if you take it in vain. He started walking through the forest to drive sleepiness. Up on a hill, screaming arrogantly Kancil, "O forest dwellers, I'm the most intelligent animals, clever and smart in this forest. No one can match the intelligence.As he puffed out his chest, Kancil started running down the hill. When they reached the river, he met with a snail. "Hi deer!", Greeted the snail. "Why are you screaming? Were you happy? ", Said the snail. "No, I just want to tell all the inhabitants of the forest animals if I was the most intelligent, astute and clever", said the deer with his arrogant."Arrogant once you hare, I'm the smartest animals in the woods," said the Snail. "Hahahaha ....... where possible" joked hare. "To prove it, what if tomorrow morning we race?", Challenged the Snail. "Well, I accept your challenge," said the hare. Finally they both agreed to hold a running race tomorrow morning.After the hare go, the snail soon gather his friends. He asked for help to his friends lined up and hide in the race track, and replied that the deer call.Finally the awaited day has arrived, deer and snails are ready to race. "Are you ready to run a race with me," said the deer. "Of course I have, and I will win", said the snail. Then the deer slug invited to run first and called to make sure it is up to where the slug.Deer walking leisurely, and felt confident that she would win. After a few steps, the deer tried to call the snail. "Snail .... Where you been up to?", Screamed the deer. "I was there in front of you!", Cried the snail. Deer astonished, and soon quickened his pace. Then he called again the snail, and the snail replied with the same words. "I was there in front of you!"Eventually the deer ran, but he was calling each of the snails, he always comes up and says that he is the deer. Sweat profusely, his legs felt weak and panting breath.Deer ran constantly, until finally he saw the finish line. Deer face very excited, because when he called slugs, have no answers anymore. Deer felt that he was the winner of the race was run.How shocked the hare, because he saw the snail was sitting on a rock near the finish line. "O deer, why are you so long? I've been getting from earlier! ", Cried the snail. With bowed heads, the deer approached the snail and admitted defeat. "So do not get cocky, you're so clever and smart, but you're not the most intelligent and ingenious," said the snail. "Yeah, I'm sorry snails, I would not arrogant again", said the deer